Published on October 24, 2007 By MetalHellssAngel In DesktopX
Since I can't develop anything that doesn't look like a 2 year old put it was wondering if any of our wonderful DesktopX Devs could possibly make a layout for windows that looks similar to this I love the tabs at the bottom and the buttons at the top. I think it would be a great desktopX theme.

Thank In Advance,
Comments (Page 1)
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on Oct 25, 2007
on Oct 25, 2007
on Oct 25, 2007
Thanks for the link but that's not what I meant, I have windows vista, what I'm looking for is a layout similar to the one in the screenshot.

Free Image Hosting at
on Oct 25, 2007
Vista Start Menu
It's compatible with Windows Vista too.
on Oct 25, 2007
Yes I know but I already invest enough money in computer customization I don't want to have to spend another $20.00 to get the pro features already available in DesktopX that's why I'm hoping someone will make a layout similar to it using desktopX. I myself would do so but as I said I'm not graphically inclined.

on Oct 25, 2007
It seems doable in DX but I'm not sure you can get someone to do it for you as these things take alot of time and effort.

BTW: Aren't you two linking the same start menu? Is this the official Vista start menu?
on Oct 25, 2007
I don't mean to be a nag or anything, but as I said I would love to be able to do it myself I just can't I have tried and tried and it always look like crap

To answer you question I'm not sure about ramayudhistira but the program I am referring to is here and as you can see there are two versions, a limited freeware version and "feature enriched" pro version for $20.00. The thing is that all the features it offers are features DesktopX already has and since I have already purchased Object desktop it seems like I should be able to find this same functionality using Desktopx with a similar layout. But no matter what I do I can't make something that looks like that I really and I mean REALLY suck at

on Oct 25, 2007
I know that you have stated that you want this in DesktopX, but have you considered using RightClick and ObjectDock in combination to get what your looking for? No, it won't look the same, but both are part of Object Desktop.  
on Oct 25, 2007
I use Object Dock however since I have vista 64bit Rightclick doesn't work properly for me.
on Oct 25, 2007
It was a thought.   
on Oct 25, 2007
Thanks for the thought
on Oct 25, 2007
I have another suggestion for you, the link below is to RomandDA's home page here. He does alot of what can be called full function DX Widgets and Gadgets. Check his gallery out and you'll see what I mean. You can check out some of the other skinners also in the Widget and Gadget Libraries.

Send him an email and let him know what you are looking for, he will let you know how much time and effort it will take.

WWW Link
on Oct 25, 2007
Thanks Philly I will do so
on Oct 25, 2007
FYI, Roman's on the road so, don't anticipate an immediate response.

I can tell you to script it fully would be easily over 100 hours. The best bet is a combination of using rightclick to skin a DesktopX Start Menu object and build the surrounding container using DesktopX. Don't have OD or Right click so can't personally help you out.

Agree with you an the $20 bucks. When I first saw that released I had a good laugh when comparing it to what Stardock offers.
on Oct 25, 2007
Its possible that this could be done, but hell if the pro is only $20 i cant even start to think how many hours this would take me to create. I would just buy the pro. As i dont know anyone that has enough "free" time to do something like this for nothing. Sorry.
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