Published on January 29, 2008 By MetalHellssAngel In WindowBlinds
I was wondering if one of our talented Windowblinds artists could possibly make a ubuntu blind mimicking the desktop appearance. I would be cool to have one I think, especially when used in combination with OD and Virtual Desktops.

on Feb 01, 2008
You can download the visual style here. I believe skinstudio can do some magic to turn that in to a windowblinds skin
on Feb 05, 2008
Thanks Jouketje but I wouldn't even know where to begin skin studio confuses me to death I have opened and closed it numerous times due to just being overwhelmed by trying to figure it

on Feb 05, 2008
You don't have to do ANYTHING. Just download the visual style, double click the msstyles icon in the folder that you downloaded it to, and skinstudio will just convert it on it's own. It will then show up in your WB config window....... EASY!!

Have Fun!!
on Feb 05, 2008
hmm ok I'll give it a try
on Feb 05, 2008
I just tried it...... using it now. It took a few seconds to download, I then double clicked the "human.msstyle" icon and was told that skinstudio would now convert it to WB format. I clicked OK and a few seconds later WB asked me if I wanted to apply the new skin. I clicked OK again. Skin applied, I then opened the WB config window and clicked on "Rebuild List" from the skin options, and it then showed in my list with all the different colors available too.

Can't get much easier than that!

The only thing about converted msstyles is that quite a few parts of the WB skin remain unskinned, like the shutdown/logoff dialogs for instance.
on Feb 05, 2008
Yeah but that's kewl I wish I would've known about that little trick before, thanks for the info and quick replies Boxxi I really appreciate it.
on Feb 05, 2008
No problem..... my pleasure. Did it work? I hope so.
on Feb 05, 2008
Yes!! Worked well I'm sorry should have